Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Lord of the Flies Blog

1    1.  Death is the physical killing of someone. It is obviously the most noticeable way of killing a man. One day they’re breathing and boom, next day they aren’t so they’re dead. But society has its special ways of killing a person so they’re still physically alive. Society knows just how to crush a man’s free spirit so that he is so broken inside and has no free thoughts, only what is pumped into him by the filtered media. As our President has even said, “fake news.” This leaves a person dead emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. People undergo this killing of the spirit and soon we have a nation full of mindless slaves.

      2.      Without doubt, our savage self will take over. Some may be able to resist it longer than others but eventually all will succumb to the savage self’s rule. The savage self has only one goal: survive. It will do whatever it needs to in order to take over and make the best out of what it has. It is the most primitive basis of our beings, as it develops earliest. The savage self of our beings is the epitome of the id in Freud’s philosophy. For these reasons it is important that we teach our children to be able to separate the two and try to repress the savage self as much as is humanly possible for them.

      3.      A civilization is created when a group of human beings figure it out and decide that they will have a greater chance at survival if they band together. The civilization is strengthened when they begin to rely on one another to fulfill tasks that meet one another’s needs. I believe that society is controlled by the people because at some point all of our rules and norms we follow today were created by the people. We wouldn’t have a law against stealing if someone never would have determined that action hurtful and worked our society’s beliefs to feel that way also. All rules, laws, amd norms that make up our society and culture were created by the people, for the people. Therefore I say the people control.

      4.      The Lord of the Flies is talking about a few things, mainly how the other boys think Simon is weird because he’s always off on his own and he speaks about how he is the Beast and the Beast is all around and in everyone. The Lord of the Flies is angry because Simon is trying to leave him and acts like he knows better than him. He is angry at Simon in particular because Simon is the only one who talks to him and the other boys are going to think he is weird, but none of the other boys act like Simon is. 

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