Monday, October 16, 2017

Who am I Part I

Question 1: Who am I?

Hello. I am me. I wish it were that simple of an answer, but it isn’t. Just saying I’m me doesn’t really give much insight in to who or what I really think I am. (I like to try to be creative and funny like in this opening but it really doesn’t work as you can see) It took me about two days to finally begin to write this after a few hours of staring at a blank screen, analyzing, not knowing where to start. But then I realized that that was my problem. A big part of who I am is analyzation. I like to really break things down and think about them. And think some more, and then overthink them. I’m also very good at overexplaining things. My memory works better than most at remembering details and a lot of information, but I have a hard time summarizing it and end up telling a story that includes every little detail and takes too long to tell. Intelligent would be the word I would use to best describe myself. With that intelligence, I tend to see myself do something I am not proud of. I start to get cocky and turn into a braggart. (Hopefully you can see by this point what I meant about overexplaining things.) So, to answer your question, “Who am I?”, I am a wannabe funny, not creative, overanalyzing, overexplaining, wordy, intelligent, and occasionally cocky human being. (Now my overanalyzing side shows by literally restating everything I’ve already said.)

Question 2: Who do people think I am? 

Now, to answer this question I really have to think hard. I would like to say that people see me as an always happy, nice, smart person. But I can’t. I would be lying to myself if I said that. Actually, I do feel that people see me as a fairly happy person. I might not convey that the best at all times but deep down I try always be happy and be nice to everyone (unless I have a grudge against you). Depending on who you asked, you might get different responses about how quiet or loud I am. I talk a lot during school so people would say that. They would probably also say my voice is annoying, which I can accept their opinions. One other thing a lot of people might say is that I am stubborn. I like things done my way and I don’t like to bend to anyone else’s way. Stubbornness aside, I think that most people in this school would say I am smart. Some people might even tell you that I’m a robot because my memory works pretty well and they saw our psychology memory test. People outside this school might know I’m smart, but not as many. To sum all this wordiness up, I think most people have a positive perception of me. But as the old saying goes, “you can’t please everyone”, so I know there are some people that have negative views. But that’s okay, because everyone is different, and I am me. 

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