Monday, September 25, 2017

Earliest Memory

First Memory
The earliest memory I remember was from when I was about 3 years old. I was in daycare in Langford and Mason hated me. So one day we were in the back room and it was playtime, and Mason decided he was going to take me out. So he grabbed the fire extinguisher off the wall and started running at me with it. Other kids started screaming and the babysitter ran back there and took the fire extinguisher and got mad at Mason. This has stayed with me because it was so traumatic of an experience.

First Lie
The first lie I remember telling is telling someone on the school bus that our snowpile was 60 feet tall. The kid asked me what I would sled off of and I said our pile. He asked how tall it was and I responded, "It's next to this 50 foot tall bin so it's at least 60 feet high." In reality, the bin is like 20 feet tall and the pile is the same size as it.

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