Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Gay Couple 1st Amendment Rights

     I personally view this as a very foolish and petty argument. This argument going to court is quite possibly the stupidest thing I have heard in a long time. Yes, the people who should take the videos for this couple might have the right to refuse service based on a state law, but why would they do that?
     To me, It makes no sense for the company to refuse to take the pictures for this couple because the couple is going to give them the same money and everything, but they only thing they're protesting is that they have to look at them while the pictures were being taken. They have to look at everyone else while they take pictures anyways.
     Granted, I know that we can not completely eliminate hate against same-sex couples, but it really is not good that we discriminate against people based on their sexual orientation. We don't discriminate against people for things like this based on their marital status if it's a man and a woman, but now we discriminate just because they're gay? If this photographer really does not want their money from doing their photo shoot, more than likely there are hundreds of photographers in the city, let alone the whole state, that will shoot photos for a same-sex couple.
      In no way am I saying I am a complete advocate for gay rights, but the least we can do is just tolerate their way of life and treat them just like the normal people that they are.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Earliest Memory

First Memory
The earliest memory I remember was from when I was about 3 years old. I was in daycare in Langford and Mason hated me. So one day we were in the back room and it was playtime, and Mason decided he was going to take me out. So he grabbed the fire extinguisher off the wall and started running at me with it. Other kids started screaming and the babysitter ran back there and took the fire extinguisher and got mad at Mason. This has stayed with me because it was so traumatic of an experience.

First Lie
The first lie I remember telling is telling someone on the school bus that our snowpile was 60 feet tall. The kid asked me what I would sled off of and I said our pile. He asked how tall it was and I responded, "It's next to this 50 foot tall bin so it's at least 60 feet high." In reality, the bin is like 20 feet tall and the pile is the same size as it.

28th Amendment

For a new amendment, I would make limits on Congressional Terms in Washington, D.C. In the 17th amendment, it is said that the people elect senators to serve for 6 years. I would say that just like the President, two terms can be served, as we need new blood in Congress every so often. This amendment is worded almost like the 17th, but with the term limit added in.

28th amendment

The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each state, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. Each Senator shall serve no more than 2 terms or 15 years total in the Senate if a vacancy occurred and they filled in. These people shall have the qualifications needed for serving in the United States Congress.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Classical Conditioning Ad

Unconditioned Stimulus: Sunny field with green grass with the ladybug
Conditioned Stimulus: Coca-Cola
Unconditioned Response: Happiness with the sunny field of grass and ladybug
Conditioned Response: Happiness to Coca-Cola

Teaching an Amendment

17th Amendment

1. The United States Senate will be made up of two senators from each state who are elected by the people of that state in an election. Each Senator will have one vote, will serve for six years, and will be qualified to serve in such a role. If a Senate position opens, the governor of the state shall either call an election or appoint a new Senator if they have that power. 

2. The purpose of this amendment is to say that the people elect their senators through popular vote in elections. It also says that if an opening appears, the governor either gets an emergency election to get a new one or he appoints a temporary one.

3. "Executive authority"--the government of the state; "temporary appointment"-- an emergency election of a senator to fill a vacancy

4. a. This amendment was created because the times were changing, and up until this time state legislatures just agreed on and appointed Senators. With this amendment, people could now vote for them.
    b. In our elections in November, we vote to elect our Senators and Representatives as well.
    c. There are not many issues involving this currently, as we all vote and have our say.