Tuesday, February 7, 2017

An Asian Auschwitz

           Wow. I cannot believe that the United States government would execute every Nazi who committed crimes against humanity but will not even acknowledge the fact that Japanese Unit 731 even existed. The experiments that the Nazis performed look almost pale in comparison to the experiments done by Shiro Ishii and his men. I am seriously shocked that the US would be selfish enough to pardon some of the worst crimes against humanity just to get the information from said crimes.
            On the other hand, some of these experiments have provided a little bit of helpful information. But the fact that the people experimented on were captured and worked on against their will makes this a huge crime. The uneducated portion of these people could’ve thought that they were going to be okay, based on the fact that they were fed and exercised often. Because of this, I believe the Japanese running Unit 731 were sick, twisted men.
            I am also shocked about the Japanese that ran this camp. Yes, I know that their emperor’s word is law, and yes, I know that they would die if they disobeyed, but why couldn’t they just not experiment on humans and lie about some findings? I must then believe that the Japanese surgeons and soldiers must not have a hearts. If a person can remove another’s organs while they are strapped down and screaming, it must be that they have no regard for other human life, whether they were born that way or are doing it for fear of the emperor’s execution.
            Some of the experiments mentioned in this article sound completely pointless. Why on earth would you need to put a human in a centrifuge and spin them until they die?! Or why would a person need to be put in a pressure chamber until their eyes exploded? This is just unacceptable to let pass by if the United States new about this.
             I can also see this from the US government’s point of view. Some of the results of the experiments could have and may still be useful. But on the other hand, the Nazis could also have had some useful results from experimentation. We will never know now, because the Nazis were executed or hunted down because of it. But somehow, in the US government’s eyes, the Nazis’ experiments were illegal and Unit 731’s experiments were perfectly fine. This just baffles me.

            So in my final thoughts, I see that there is no rhyme or reason to the pardoning and executing done by the United States’ government after World War II for crimes against humanity. Josef Mengele, the Nazi’s most famous experimenter on humans, was chased down with intent of being executed for his experiments by the US government. On the other hand then, Shiro Ishii and his men are doing almost exactly the same experiments but are not chased down, and are allowed to live as if Unit 731 never existed if they gave up their results. I really, really question the United States government and their thinking.