Monday, November 28, 2016

Muckraker Article
      The muckraking article I am writing about is an exploitation of the conditions in prisons in America. It is based on the story of a man who quit being a prison guard after four months on the job. This article was written by David Uberti in the Columbia Journalism Review, on July 1, 2016. The article is based on the story of Shane Bauer, who worked as a prison guard at Winn Correctional Center in Louisiana.

     The TIME article I have also linked is further proof on investigation and the current state of our private prisons in the US today. After reading these two articles, I see that our private prison system needs to be fixed badly. This article also talks about what the US Department of Justice is trying to do to change the private prisons.
Winn Correctional Center from the air

      Bauer found out the biggest problem was that all the prisons he was near were extremely understaffed. An example of this is when he says there is "one [floor officer] per 176 inmates". This prison also hasn't let inmates out into the yard in years, as they haven't had the staff to watch it.

     Bauer sees people constantly cutting corners in their duties. Officers who are supposed to perform security checks were writing down that they happened when they did not. An audit is done by the overseeing agency, and the officials only do one lap around and leave, without checking very much.

Shane Bauer
     After working for a few months, he notices that he begins to change. Instead of treating every prisoner nicely, he starts to become more stern. As a result of this, he sees his everyday life begin to change as he wishes more and more for a fight. A few weeks later, he rushes home, packs his things, and drives to Texas. The next day, Bauer calls Winn and informs them of his resignation, thus ending his prison guard career.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Political Quiz

1. Who are the top three presidential candidates you are most like?
 The top three presidential candidates I am most like are Jim Gilmore, Gary Johnson, and Marco Rubio.

2. What political party are you most likely to side with?
 The political party I most likely side with is the Democratic Party.

3. What past presidents are you most likely to agree with?
 The past presidents I am most likely to agree with are Gerald Ford and George Bush Sr.

4. What political philosophy are you most likely to agree with? Where on the spectrum did you fall?
The political philosophy I most likely agree with is Populist Conservative. On the spectrum, I was in the bottom left corner of  moderate, near to Conservative and Populist.